Immigration through work

This pathway has a lot in common with professional immigration, which we discussed in this article. The main difference is that with professional immigration, it is possible to apply for residency immediately, even while still in your home country and without a job offer. It happens only rarely, but when a person has a high level of education, extensive experience in a speciality and good English, it is still possible. However, more often, having a job offer or actual employment in an English-speaking country significantly increases the chances of obtaining residency. That is why most immigrants choose the pathway of working for several years on a temporary work visa before becoming a resident of the country.

Even those professionals who are not on the lists of in-demand specialities can immigrate through work. The main thing here is to find a job and an employer who is ready to provide visa support.

Immigrating through work doesn’t always mean earning a certain number of points. In some visa categories, it is enough to work for the same employer for several years and fulfil the requirements for qualifications, wages and location, if it is a regional program.

Consider how immigration through work works in different countries.


Australia has a number of temporary and provisional work visas. Temporary visas are issued for 2 to 4 years and provide an opportunity to apply for residency after working for three years for the same employer. In this case, a residency application is made according to a point system, where an applicant needs to score 65 points.

Provisional visas are issued for up to 5 years and can be sponsored either by a state or territory or by an employer. These provisional visas also lead to residency after working for three years (in a specific region or for a particular employer).

Choosing which particular visa to apply for is determined by the List of Skilled Occupations and the candidate’s area of expertise.

Read more about work visas in Australia

New Zealand

New Zealand also has two main pathways of immigration through work:

Work to Residence – for those who have expertise on the Green List. These people can obtain an Accredited Employer Work Visa and apply for residency after two years working for the same employer. There is no need to collect points here, but this pathway is possible only if you have this particular type of work visa.

The Skilled Migrant Resident Pathway is a point-based system, where you need to score 6 points. You also need a job offer or a valid work contract from an accredited employer in New Zealand.

Read more about immigration pathways to New Zealand


In Canada, having a job and local experience also add points when applying for residency. When applying for a Work Permit, the employer must also research the local labour market and provide a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This document must confirm a need to fill the vacancy with a foreign worker since there are not enough local candidates. Sometimes, an LMIA is not required for some highly skilled professions and managerial positions.

Read more about work permits in Canada


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