How to immigrate

Many people dream of moving to another country to improve their quality of life and conquer new career heights. However, it is not always clear where to start your journey and what the options are for moving. In this article, you will learn about the main ways of immigration to Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Professional immigration

Professional immigration is probably the most common type of immigration to English-speaking countries. Australia, Canada and New Zealand have government-approved lists for in-demand occupations. There is a lack of qualified personnel in certain occupations in the country, so the government covers these shortages with specialists from abroad. These lists often include all kinds of engineers , as well as IT and healthcare professionals. However, there are also opportunities in finance, agriculture, construction, environmental protection, etc. If your speciality is on one of these shortage lists, you have a chance to move to the country under this immigration category.

Learn more about professional immigration.

Immigration through work

Another way to immigrate is to find a job in Australia, Canada or New Zealand and get a temporary work visa. After working for several years in your area of specialisation on a work visa, you can apply for residency.

This method of immigration is suitable not only for in-demand specialists, but also for those who are not on the shortage lists. However, it is often very difficult to get a job for someone whose speciality is not on the shortage lists. The employer will have to prove that they could not find anyone in the local labour market, and that you are the most suitable candidate for the position. If, however, you are highly qualified in your field, have a lot of work experience and good English, you may be in luck with your job search.

Learn more about immigration through work

Immigration through education

Immigration through education is an excellent option for those who have not found themselves on the lists of in-demand occupations, as well as for in-demand specialists who do not have sufficient points, good English or who have difficulties  finding an employer.

The essence of immigration through education is that students who graduate in Australia, Canada or New Zealand are granted a work visa after their studies. As a rule, this is an open visa;  it is not tied to any employer, and a graduate can use it to work in any occupation. However, to stay in the country long-term and obtain residency, you need to find a job in your area of expertise.

Learn more about immigration through education

Immigration for investors

Each country we offer provides immigration opportunities to those who want to invest in an existing business. Investors are usually required to have a prescribed level of English and amount of capital to invest.

Learn more about immigration for investors

Immigration for business people

For those looking to start their own business, startup capital requirements are significantly lower: AUD 200,000 in Australia, NZD 100,000 in New Zealand.

Australia and Canada also have programs for startups that have managed to attract investment from local accredited investors. To do this, you need to have an outstanding business idea and convince accredited organisations to invest in it.

Learn more about immigration for business people

Immigration for outstanding talent

You can also move to Australia, New Zealand or Canada if you have exceptional talents and can make a significant contribution to the cultural or sports life of the country. To immigrate under this category, you will need to provide evidence of your exceptional abilities: mention in mass media, winning international contests or sports competitions, receiving awards and prizes, etc.

Determining which path will be most effective for you depends on several factors: English language skills, qualifications, occupation, and the budget that you are willing to spend on immigration. If you are confused about which country and immigration pathway is best for you, contact us. We will give you an in-depth consultation and tell you which options may be right for you.

Read further:

How to immigrate to Australia

How to immigrate to New Zealand

How to immigrate to Canada

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